Socks are among the most commonly requested items at homeless shelters. Students in the Sant Bani School fifth grade class recently ensured that the Belknap House shelter in Laconia will be able to distribute socks to families in need for the foreseeable future by donating 522 pairs of socks to the shelter. The socks, ranging in size from infant to adult, were collected during an on-campus “Sock Drive” held throughout the week of March 28 and delivered to Belknap House on April 5.

Since its founding in 1973, service to others has been one of Sant Bani School’s core values. Each year, students complete two school-wide service days and individual classes periodically take on independent service projects.
The SBS fifth grade class chose to hold a sock drive as part of a statewide initiative requested by Charlotte Cotti, New Hampshire’s 2022 Kid Governor. Charlotte’s platform in her Kid Governor campaign was “Helping the Homeless.”
After deciding to participate in the Sock Drive, the class discovered Belknap House through researching local organizations that help the homeless.
“It was a lot of fun and a huge success!” said SBS fifth grade teacher Brittney Peterson ’03. “We are so happy with all of the support we received from sock donations and our snack sale fundraiser. Collecting 522 pairs of socks surpassed our expectations.”
Collection bins were placed in the lobby of each of the school’s buildings for donations to be collected throughout the week of March 28. Additionally, the class conducted a snack sale fundraiser to compliment the sock collection. Selling treats for $.50 apiece, the snack sale raised $175 which was used to purchase several additional packets of socks for the donation.
Mid-morning on April 5, the class loaded three boxes full of socks into a school minibus and traveled to Laconia. Upon arriving at Belknap House, House Manager Tom Sica greeted the class and provided an overview of the shelter’s history and mission.
“Think of your favorite place at home that makes you feel warm and cozy,” Tom said to the class. “To many of the families that come here, a pair of new socks can give them that same warm and cozy feeling.”
The class concluded its visit by asking Tom several questions about Belknap House and the services it provides before taking a group photo and returning to campus.