Transition To Highschool
Middle School
The Middle School nurtures individuality in its students and fosters responsibility, service to the community and collaboration. The emphasis is on development of critical thinking, creativity and intellectual curiosity. We want students to develop self-confidence and to express kindness and empathy towards others.
Teachers consistently facilitate fun, active learning. Understanding that our students are going through an intense, energetic developmental period, we embrace and nurture their growth. Because of our small size and the opportunity to work with students in a variety of environments outside of the classroom (including the natural world around us), we know the individuals we teach; therefore, we can more effectively craft lessons that meet their diverse needs.
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Sixth Grade
Sixth graders move from the Upper Building to the Middle Building and mix with students from other grades during STEAMS blocks, After School Enrichment, weekly Sharing Assemblies and Clubs.
MS English & Social Studies
XC & Track Coach
St Michael's College, BA
Bridgewater State, Ed. Cert.
Language Arts focuses on examining literary terms and themes. Emphasis is placed upon the development of reading skills; writing skills; practice of grammar, spelling, and keyboarding skills; and enrichment of vocabulary. The major theme of all reading and writing assignments is resilience.
The Math curriculum presents important concepts in the context of engaging problems, and also provides personalized, differentiated skills practice. Students will learn to: understand ratio concepts and using ratio reasoning to solve problems; compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples; reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities; represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables; solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area and volume; develop understanding of statistical variability; summarize and describe distributions. Students will also apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions; of numbers to the system of rational numbers; and of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.
Science class covers the basics of earth and space sciences (geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy). Classroom experiences will include lectures, note-taking, labs, activities, cooperative group work, online simulations, watching video clips, reading articles, projects, and various forms of assessment.
Geography begins with reviewing introductory map skills, then moves to study the major regions in the world using selected themes appropriate for each region. Students research family roots, study current and historical events, and learn about political, geographic and geologic features of the regions studied.
In Art class, students explore their personal identity through painting, printmaking, sculpture and drawing. Art history is a regular part of the curriculum, as are class critiques. Students keep a sketchbook for occasional assignments outside of class.
Music focuses on ensemble and individual skills in music, using soprano, alto and tenor recorders, voice, percussion and other instruments. Reading, listening, improvisation and composition are all explored further. Students who study other instruments (e.g., piano, guitar) have opportunities to use their instrument in this class.
Spanish uses the TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) method of instruction, which immerses students in hearing the language in a relaxed and fun setting; students experience the language rather than learn about it in English.
The goal of the Physical Education program is to create an environment where children will be at ease while learning new physical skills, try their best to improve those skills and want to be active. We play as many different sorts of games as possible, working on more organized and competitive games. Our focus is on the development process rather than the outcome of such activities.
Seventh Grade
Seventh graders take year long classes in English, Math, Life Science, Ancient History and Study Skills, and one trimester each of Art, Drama and Spanish.
MS English & Social Studies
XC & Track Coach
St Michael's College, BA
Bridgewater State, Ed. Cert.
English focuses on a study of literature that is both classic and contemporary; we read and discuss works by authors ranging from Shakespeare to Jason Reynolds. Emphasis is placed upon practicing editing skills and vocabulary enrichment. The major theme of all reading and writing assignments is perseverance.
The Math curriculum presents important concepts in the context of engaging problems, and also provides personalized, differentiated skills practice. Students will learn to: analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems; apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions; use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions; draw, construct and describe geometrical figures, and describe the relationships between them; use random sampling to draw inferences about a population; draw informal comparative inferences about two populations; investigate chance processes and develop, use and evaluate probability models. Students will also solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations, as well as those involving angle measure, area, surface area and volume.
Life Science studies living things and how they interact with the world around us. Topics covered include: molecular and cellular processes and how they contribute to the life, growth and development of organisms; interactions, energy and dynamics of ecosystems; patterns of inheritance and variation of traits through time and among populations; and how the mechanism of natural selection contributes to the diversity of life on Earth and explains the unity of past and present day life forms. Students also evaluate, design and carry out experiments using controls, variables, scientific method, measurement bias, sampling bias, proper ethics and safe laboratory practices.
Social Studies takes an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating sociological, philosophical and anthropological perspectives to understanding the past. The main objective of the course is to make students aware of the fact that they “live in history, that their present is a product of their past, and that their future is an outcome of the present.” The following topics are covered: Prehistoric Times, the River Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Harappa, Shang/Zhou), the Phoenicians and Hebrews, the Minoans, Ancient India, Ancient Western Africa, Ancient Meso- and South America.
The goal of Study Skills/Technology is to enable students to take control of their own learning through developing good study habits and learning to take advantage of areas of strength while working to improve upon areas of difficulty. Enhancing skills in academic technology and research is an integral component of this program.
Spanish uses the TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) method of instruction, which immerses students in hearing the language in a relaxed and fun setting; students experience the language rather than learn about it in English.
Art includes work in a variety of media: drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and mixed media. Assignments are designed to develop skills and challenge students to think and solve problems. Students are encouraged to get ideas and inspiration from art appreciation that will introduce past masters and present-day artists.
Drama begins as an acting class, in which concepts, terms and techniques are introduced, practiced through exercises, and reflected on during critiques. The class determines by consensus the nature of their final project, which culminates in an evening performance. The remainder of the trimester consists of rehearsals, coaching and critiquing.
In Health Education, our goals are to develop a caring community and to encourage choices that promote physical wellness, personal safety and positive self-esteem. The focus will be on the seven dimensions of health, with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships and communication skills. Students build an age-appropriate foundation of knowledge that supports healthy choices and healthy living.
Eighth Grade
Eighth graders take yearlong classes in English, Math, Introduction to Physical Science, World History and Spanish. They also take one trimester each of Transition to High School, Art and Drama.
MS English & Social Studies
XC & Track Coach
St Michael's College, BA
Bridgewater State, Ed. Cert.
English class focuses on a study of literature that is both contemporary and classic. Emphasis is placed upon the mastery of grammar and editing skills as well as vocabulary enrichment. The major theme of all reading and writing assignments is journey and transition.
The Math curriculum presents important concepts in the context of engaging problems, and also provides personalized, differentiated skills practice. Students will learn to: know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers; work with radicals and integer exponents; understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines and linear equations; analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations; define, evaluate and compare functions; use functions to model relationships between quantities; understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies or geometry software; summarize and define distributions; solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones and spheres; investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
Introduction to Physical Science serves as an introduction to chemistry (periodic table, bonds, equations and reactions) and physics (motion and force, structure and matter, waves and energy). Beginning with the idea of scientific method and methods of observation, we hope to ingrain the process of science exploration for the high school years.
In Ancient History, our goal is for students to gain a thorough understanding of ancient European and Middle Eastern civilizations. Students will read historical fiction; re-enact events/daily life in the various time periods; debate; research events and teach each other; and explore art work and its relationship to and reflection of the culture. Modern day events are incorporated whenever possible with the goal of assisting students in establishing a stronger connection to people and events of the past.
Spanish uses the TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) method of instruction, which immerses students in hearing the language in a relaxed and fun setting; students experience the language rather than learn about it in English.
Transition to High School helps students identify personal strengths and weaknesses, set goals, practice test-taking skills, role-play interview scenarios, write a strong application and make choices based on reasonable outcomes.
Art includes work in a variety of media: drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and mixed media. Assignments are designed to develop skills and challenge students to think and solve problems. Students are encouraged to get ideas and inspiration from art appreciation that will introduce past masters and present-day artists.
Drama begins as an acting class, in which concepts, terms and techniques are introduced, practiced through exercises, and reflected on during critiques. The class determines by consensus the nature of their final project, which culminates in an evening performance. The remainder of the trimester consists of rehearsals, coaching and critiquing.
In Health Education, our goals are to develop a caring community and to encourage choices that promote physical wellness, personal safety and positive self-esteem. The focus is on preventable diseases, healthy relationships and responsibility. Students build an age-appropriate foundation of knowledge that supports healthy choices and healthy living.
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